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Joined Weatherblur: 5 years ago
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09/22/2022 - Comments: I agree with Gum21. It will help you design your investigation if you first decide what you will measure (for ex, how fast the grass grows? or how dense? or something else). Will the weeds "do" (that is, whatever you decide to measure) as well with and without grass? How will the grass "do" (that is, whatever you decide to measure) with and without weeds?
DETAILS09/22/2022 - Comments: Oooh, this is a really good question. And difficult. Do you mean bubbles float at the surface? Or why bubbles rise to the surface? Big bubbles or small bubbles? Bubbles in water, sea water, soft drink, soapy water, oily water? As you can see, there are many decisions for you to make as you plan your investigation. These questions and answers will help you narrow your question.
DETAILS09/22/2022 - Comments: Good question. Wrong time of the year (Oct-March) to do a study in Maine, as the Japanese beetles come in late spring in Maine. Still, it would be helpful to think what you would measure to estimate the health of individual plants and/or the health of the community of plants. Deciding what to measure will help narrow your question and actually what you will do.
DETAILS09/22/2022 - Comments: This is a good question. Can you tell us more about what "devastating" means to you? Devastating to humans? animals? plants? Or difficult to clean or remove and so bad for the entire water body? Being more specific will help narrow your question and decide what to measure or what available data to use.