

Would bubbles float faster with helium than co2 from our lungs when blown simultaniasly?

This iWonder has edits... View edit history now.
  • 10/11/2022 @ 10:49 am - Would bubbles float faster with helium than co2 from our lungs when blown simultaniasly? (0% similar)
  • 10/11/2022 @ 10:49 am - Would bubbles float faster with helium than co2 from our lungs when blown simultaniasly (99% similar)
  • 10/11/2022 @ 10:48 am - Would bubbles float faster with helium than co2 from our lungs when blown simentaniacly (96% similar)
  • 10/11/2022 @ 10:41 am - Would bubbles float different with helium than co2 from our lungs? would they float higher,lower, faster, slower, pop easier, would they be more durable? (61% similar)
  • 9/22/2022 @ 1:02 pm - The reason bubbles float. (16% similar)

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