Become part of our Community

How to become part of our community

Individual Teacher
You can join us as an individual teacher and have access for up to 50 of your students to the program.  You will have full access to the program, including online resources and training. 

To join, just click the green button and you will be taken to the signup form and payment using a credit card.

The cost per year for an Individual Teacher is US$499.

School Level
Your school can join our program and have up to 10 teachers participate – each with up to 50 students.  All teachers have full access to the program, including online resources and training.   One key contact teacher coordinates the sign up process, but then all communication is directly with the teachers in your school.

To join, just click the green button and you will be taken to the signup form and payment using a credit card.

The cost per year for a School is US$2999.

District Level
Your district can participate in the program so that multiple schools with multiple teachers can be involved.  One contract person will co-ordinate the signup process, then all communication is directly with the teachers in your district.

To join, just click the green button and you will be taken to the signup form to provide more information about your District (number of schools, number of teachers etc).  We can then provide you a quote for your District to participate.

The cost per year for a District is around US$7999 to $14,999 depending on size.