ROLE: WB Expert
Joined Weatherblur: 5 years ago
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05/24/2021 - Comments: Thanks for studying and raising awareness of this important issue. It is hopeful to see students learning about and addressing microplastics and gives me hope that the next generation will find solutions to this difficult problem.
DETAILS05/24/2021 - Comments: I've become an amateur birdwatcher over the last year and was really excited about your project. I really wasn't sure about the link between cloud cover and birds until following your experiment and looking at the data on Tuva. And I'm so glad that science inspired you to make birdhouses and share the love of nature and biodiversity with others. Great job students and teachers!
DETAILS03/12/2021 - Comments: Hi students! Great job on collecting data! I just went into Tuva and explored the data. When I put bird counts on the y axis, and cloud cover on the x axis, it looks like I'm seeing a trend for more bird counts when it's cloudier. Is that what you see too? Keep up the great work by collecting more data to see if the trend continues! As I write this I'm looking at my bird feeder here in North Carolina and wondering if I see more birds when it's cloudy.