ROLE: WB Teacher
Searsport Elementary School
Joined Weatherblur: 5 years ago
Recent Activity
11/02/2022 - Comments: Maybe we should also just focus on lunch to start until we get accurate at counting and allocating waste.
DETAILS11/02/2022 - Comments: We are thinking measuring by pounds and then seeing if we can find uses for all items in week 2. But I think we should do 10 days now that I am considering it.
DETAILS10/18/2022 - Investigation: I wonder if the 4th and fifth grade students at Searsport elementaty school can reduce the amount of food waste from lunch and breakfast over a 14 day period in the months of OCtober and November by finding ways to reduce or reuse resources and educating students and staff.
DETAILS03/17/2022 - Comments: yahoo! to the field!
Edit My iWonder Questions
Date | Question | |
10/18/2022 | I wonder if the 4th and fifth grade students at Searsport elementaty school can reduce the amount of food waste from lunch and breakfast over a 14 day period in the months of OCtober and November by finding ways to reduce or reuse resources and educating students and staff. | EDIT |