
  • Neon
  • 4 years ago

Bobcat Beez Wraps to Reduce Plastic Waste

Our 5th grade students conducted an investigation with the middle school students to see if they would find microplastic in clams at our local beach and other locations in the Gulf of Maine. After being surprised by the quantity of microplastic fibers and fragments found at all four locations, the 5th grade Bobcats calculated the total amount of plastic sandwich bags being thrown away at our school, and wanted to create an environmentally friendly alternative to share with our community. The students decided to make a beeswax wrap for every student in our entire school, plus extras to sell at our summer farm stand. In addition to making the wraps, students created an information card to accompany the wrap, a poster to advertise, as well as a slideshow presentation video to teach the community about the project. 

Slideshow video:

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  • 6/16/2021 @ 12:32 pm - Bobcat Beez Wraps to Reduce Plastic Waste (0% similar)
  • 6/16/2021 @ 12:29 pm - Bobcat Beez Wraps to Reduce Plastic Waste (100% similar)

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