Using an air pressure sensor, can we find out if the air has more pressure now than it did before global warming started? Has the air gotten more dense since global warming started? does air pressure effect weather?
This iWonder has edits... View edit history now.
- 10/11/2022 @ 1:34 pm - Using an air pressure sensor, can we find out if the air has more pressure now than it did before global warming started? Has the air gotten more dense since global warming started? does air pressure effect weather? (0% similar)
- 10/11/2022 @ 10:00 am - Using an air pressure sensor, can we find out if the air has more pressure now than it did before global warming started? Has the air gotten more dense since global warming started? Does air density affect humidity? (93% similar)
- 9/29/2022 @ 7:39 pm - Using an air pressure sensor, can we find out if the air has more pressure now than it did before global warming started? Has the air gotten denser since then? Does air density affect humidity or even, mood? (89% similar)
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