We wonder if you see more bird activity on a cloudy day than on a sunny day. Are there more birds on a cloudy day because cloudiness is crepuscular and birds are less conspicuous to predators? Are there more birds on a cloudy day because birds do not see the shadows of their predators?
Instructions / How to do this investigation
1. Find a good location by your school to setup a bird feeding station.
2. Feed birds the same thing everyday (i.e. black oil sunflower seeds).
3. Count bird activity for three minutes at the same time of day during your sampling period.
4. Define where you are going to count bird activity. Bird counts are taken on the feeder and on a square meter at the base of the feeder.
5. Count bird visits, knowing that you might be counting the same bird several times.
6. Keep conditions the same during each sampling period. Be quiet and still while counting birds.
7. Record the percent cloud coverage during your sampling period. You can use AccuWeather.com to find your location and percent cloud coverage.
8. Record the temperature (C) during your sampling period.
9. Optional: Record the solar radiation W/m2.
10. Record the time of your sampling period.
Tell us how your data collection/analysis is going