Why can’t all my students be logged in to Weatherblur.com at once?

Help! Why can’t all my students be logged in to Weatherblur.com at once?

Our sparkly new Weatherblur site runs perfectly all the time (okay….okay….most of the time…It’s 2020, people…)! Despite how awesome it is, we have already seen some glitches for schools when students all sign on to the site at one time. This is probably not a site issue as much as it is a very real bandwidth issue at many schools. SO… what can be done?

If you are struggling to get a classroom of kids logging in to work with their iWonder questions all at the same time, here are a few ideas you might try. We would LOVE to hear from you. Have you found a workaround for this? Share your ideas in the comments below! 

  • Can your students do iWonder at home? This one is a STRETCH..but, in Maine, many students have one-to-one devices, and many schools have worked hard to ensure students have wi-fi at home in preparation for potential remote learning. Because of this, you may be able to have iWonder posts be homework. Bonus – families get involved!
  • Stations! iWonder questions can be part of a rotating station during science. Rotating very small groups of students through the site at one time.
  • iWonder – ANYTIME! Some teachers have found it helpful to use the iWonder process as part of their “down time” work. That is – as students finish up work in other classes, they can log in to check in on iWonder. If you are not a self-contained class, consider enlisting your partner teachers into the iWonder process. Students can be encouraged to work on the iWonder discussion board during free time, inside recess, study halls, etc.

What have you done to handle this issue? Got ideas? Let’s hear them!

Happy Wondering!


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